Give your laptop props & improve your posture

Working with your laptop flat on a table can fatigue the body.  It can lead to forward head posture, contact pressure on your wrists, hunched torso and shrugged and winged shoulders. These postures aren’t relaxed or natural; they increase strain and reduce circulation. Especially when you do them for a while (e.g., more than 30 minutes at a time or longer than 4 hours over the course of the day).

Try this simple tip: angle the laptop base, with the screen side slightly higher and bring it nice and close.  You’ll be able to sit back in your chair, keep your neck straight and your arms by your sides and type with your wrists straight.  

You can buy a tool made for this purpose (e.g., Curb, Aviator, Fellowes GoRiser) or just use your sunglasses case, wallet or PC power cable block to prop up the back of your laptop.  

Want extra ergo credit? Use an external mouse instead of the touchpad on the laptop!  

Remember though that if you’re using a laptop longer than 4 hours in a day, you should really use an external keyboard and mouse and raise the screen up to eye level.   

Melissa Afterman