3 ergo tips for my 2nd grader

Before we had our son, I often told my husband that he was not allowed to get a repetitive strain injury from computer work since it would ruin my reputation (also because I care deeply about his well-being!).  I still care about keeping my husband safe, but more of my focus has turned to our son over the past few years, especially since there is absolutely no way of avoiding technology in his expanding little world.  

Since I’m a practical person and I don’t like being an overly naggy momma, I choose my battles wisely. Here are the top 3 things that I tend to make a bigger deal over in an effort to form good habits while he’s still form-able.  

1. The iPad. If you’re playing a game, put the iPad on a pillow-- raise the screen to bring the neck near neutral and support the arms on something soft and comfy.  If you’re just watching something, use an iPad stand or prop it up on a pillow so you can sit back and be hands-free.

2.  Set a timer. Every 30 minutes, set down the device and move your body and exercise your eyes (do some jumping jacks, clasp your hands behind you and stretch your arms and chest, squeeze your eyes closed and open a few times).  

3. Backpack smarts. Keep backpack weight to less than 10% of body weight and pack the heavy items nearest the back. Wear the straps tight so avoid sagging and always with 2 straps.  

A few notes:

  • Keep in mind that these are my top 3 things for my very active son.  If he was less into sports, I would certainly be encouraging more physical activity, especially upper body strength activities like monkey bars and climbing.  
  • When he is a little older and using a laptop, I will be focusing more on laptop set-up and posture.  
  • Oh and sometimes he just can’t get his face out of a book (love this!)- but #1 and #2 apply to that too!    
Melissa Afterman