Setting up your computer monitor


To keep your neck happy, the top of the screen should be near your eyebrow level.  So, unless your a 5-year-old, your laptop screen is too low.  To optimize your posture and avoid headaches, you should use an external monitor or at least raise your laptop screen and use a separate keyboard.

Be careful that you don't set your monitor too high either. A lot of people think the middle of the screen should be at eye level, but that’s not how our eyes work and setting it that high can result in neck pain or headaches. Our eyeballs aren’t lasers; when relaxed, our gaze falls about 30-degrees below the horizontal plane, so you need to set the screen accordingly.

It’s a different story if you wear bi-focal or progressive lenses though- make sure the screen is actually lower than eye level so you don’t lift your chin to read through the bottom of your glasses.  this seems counter intuitive to many people, but try it and you'll see (pun intended).  Sometimes these folks can get away with the standard height of the laptop screen, but they still should use a separate keyboard to keep the shoulders and arms happy.


This is such a simple one and the majority of people don't get it right.  Set the screen close enough so you can comfortably read the screen without leaning forward (even a tiny bit).   Sit back and relax in your chair and adjust the screen distance so you can stay sitting that way. while you work  Leaning forward doesn't mean you're thinking harder, its just bad for your back and neck.

Melissa Afterman